A Case for Identity Hierarchies in Simulating Social Groups


  • A. Platt accu:rate GmbH Institute for crowd simulation, Munich, Germany
  • A. Kneidl accu:rate GmbH Institute for crowd simulation, Munich, Germany




group modelling, social identity, simulation, pedestrian modelling, hierarchical structure


By considering previous empirical studies in group dynamics, modelling designs for pedestrian simulators and psychological and sociological theories of crowd behaviour, we briefly present a hierarchical, identity-based approach to simulating pedestrian social groups.


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How to Cite

Platt, A., & Kneidl, A. (2020). A Case for Identity Hierarchies in Simulating Social Groups. Collective Dynamics, 5, 457–459. https://doi.org/10.17815/CD.2020.98



Proceedings of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2018