RSSi-Based Visitor Tracking in Museums via Cascaded AI Classifiers and Coloured Graph Representations




RSSi-based tracking, total-coloured graph analysis, pedestrian dynamics in museums, IoT, machine learning


Individual tracking of museum visitors based on portable radio beacons, an asset for behavioural analyses and comfort/performance improvements, is seeing increasing diffusion. Conceptually, this approach enables room-level localisation based on a network of small antennas (thus, without invasive modification of the existent structures). The antennas measure the intensity (RSSi) of self-advertising signals broadcasted by beacons individually assigned to the visitors. The signal intensity provides a proxy for the distance to the antennas and thus indicative positioning. However, RSSi signals are well-known to be noisy, even in ideal conditions (high antenna density, absence of obstacles, absence of crowd, ...). In this contribution, we present a method to perform accurate RSSi-based visitor tracking when the density of antennas is relatively low, e.g. due to technical constraints imposed by historic buildings. We combine an ensemble of "simple" localisers, trained based on ground-truth, with an encoding of the museum topology in terms of a total-coloured graph. This turns the localisation problem into a cascade process, from large to small scales, in space and in time. Our use case is visitors tracking in Galleria Borghese, Rome (Italy), for which our method manages >96% localisation accuracy, significantly improving on our previous work (J. Comput. Sci. 101357, 2021).


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How to Cite

Onofri, E., & Corbetta, A. (2022). RSSi-Based Visitor Tracking in Museums via Cascaded AI Classifiers and Coloured Graph Representations. Collective Dynamics, 6, 1–17.



Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2021