Towards a Reference Database for Pedestrian Destination Choice Model Development
Pedestrian destination choice, Reference database, Model calibration, Pedestrian dynamics, Choice modelling, Open dataAbstract
The move towards publishing research data openly has led to the formation of reference databases in many fields. The benefits of such resources are numerous, particularly in the development of models. While these exist in research on other aspects of pedestrian behaviour, no reference database is available for modelling pedestrian destination choice, the process by which pedestrians choose where they wish to visit next. This work seeks to construct such a database from the literature. The resulting data obtained are described and potential ways in which they could be used to calibrate a simple pedestrian destination choice model are presented. It contains four datasets that include destination choices for hundreds of pedestrians in settings ranging from university campuses and music festivals to highly structured stated preference surveys. A case study using one of these datasets to calibrate a simple pedestrian destination choice model is provided. These efforts highlight some general issues from creating and using reference data openly. Discussing these issues will hopefully guide the development of reference data and accelerate the development of accurate pedestrian destination choice models that can be applied generally.References
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