Estimating the Capacity of Railway Platforms and Stations


  • Ernst Bosina SBB AG, Bern, Switzerland
  • Raphael Roth SBB AG, Bern, Switzerland
  • Jonas Meli SBB AG, Bern, Switzerland



Fundamental diagram, Tracking, Railway station


Knowing the capacity and the speed-density relation for different facility parts is a key component for a sustainable station design. But as the behaviour of pedestrians on railway platforms is complex, detailed data from railway stations is needed, which only became available recently. By using real-life tracking data from different railway stations in Switzerland, a method to estimate the capacity for different facility elements was derived and applied to the data aiming at verifying or improving the existing design values.

As expressed in the fundamental diagram, the speed-density relation was useful in addressing these issues. The speed-density-flow relation was plotted at different levels ranging from a whole platform section to areas covering only a few square meters. Waiting pedestrians were treated separately to reflect their specific behaviour. Afterwards, the Kladek-curve proposed by Weidmann was fitted to the data using different parameter values. Although the data is biased towards low densities, the capacity of each area can be estimated using the fitted curve.

The results show that the flow-density curves show a good fit to the mean of each density bin. Nevertheless, a large scatter of the individual data points exists. The derived maximum flow is considerably different depending on the measurement location and the area size and is generally lower than average values from literature. It is expected that the complex behaviour of pedestrians in railway stations and platforms has a significant influence on these differences, which therefore needs to be considered for station design.


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How to Cite

Bosina, E., Roth, R., & Meli, J. (2024). Estimating the Capacity of Railway Platforms and Stations. Collective Dynamics, 9, 1–7.



Special Issue of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2023