Heterogeneity of Agents in Cellular Evacuation Model Explains the Decreasing Bottleneck Flow





Pedestrian flow, Floor-field model, Agents' heterogeneity, Bonds, Aggressiveness


Heterogeneous crowd consisting of pedestrians with essentially diverse abilities behaves in certain aspects differently than a homogeneous crowd consisting of "average" pedestrians. This study investigates the influence of heterogeneity in aspects connected to the ability to navigate through a crowd in front of a bottleneck. Simulations of cellular multi-agent model suggest that the heterogeneity in ability to push through the crowd (represented by aggressiveness) and willingness to bypass the crowd (represented by sensitivity to occupation) may be responsible for the bottleneck flow decreasing in time – a phenomenon observed in experiments.

Author Biographies

Pavel Hrabák, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Information Technology, Prague, Czechia

Associate professor and head of the Department of Applied Mathematics

Matej Šutý, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Information Technology, Prague, Czechia

Absolvent of Master programme at Department of Applied Mathematics 

Mykola Hotlib, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Information Technology, Prague, Czechia

Absolvent of Master programme at Department of Applied Mathematics 


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How to Cite

Hrabák, P., Šutý, M., & Hotlib, M. (2024). Heterogeneity of Agents in Cellular Evacuation Model Explains the Decreasing Bottleneck Flow. Collective Dynamics, 9, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.17815/CD.2024.162



Special Issue of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2023
