Correlations in Spatiotemporal Headway Dynamics of Road Traffic Using Extremely Accurate Microscopic Empirical Data
sensor system, road traffic, urban traffic, headway development, empirical headway distribution, empirical speed distribution, correlations in headway dynamics, connected and automated vehicle (CAV), single lane driving, vehicle mergingAbstract
As we recently showed by using empirical data there is a certain behavior referring to the development of the headway between two consecutive human driven vehicles. Following on from this, we investigate correlations of the change in temporal headway over two subsequent road segments as the main goal of the present work and found a strongly correlated behaviour for increasing temporal headways. In this way a strong improvement for short-term prediction algorithms of conventional road users should be achieved. A stationary infrared-based sensor system was developed for this purpose, which has been mounted at reflector posts next to an urban street over a distance of about 50m. Due to its good accuracy, we are able to resolve vehicle following times down to 25 milliseconds and to determine speeds more precisely. In 45 hours of measurement the system detected over 20,000 passing vehicles.References
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